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Fitting fè rainure

  • FM/UL Fire Fighting Ductile Iron Grooved Pipe Fittings and Grooved Couplings

    FM/UL Ponpye Batay Ductile Iron Grooved Tiyo Fittings ak Grooved Couplings

    Pwodwi prensipal yo: ekipman tiyo rainure, ekipman tiyo ponpye, konektè tiyo rainure, bride, koud, redukteur, kranpon asye, kranpon, materyèl Distribisyon, elatriye.

    Fini:Penti, epoksidik poud, plonje cho galvanize, Darcromet

    Koulè:Wouj RAL3000, Orange, Blue oswa Customized Koulè

    Sètifika:FM apwouve & UL ki nan lis


    Boulon ak nwa:ISO 898-1klas 8.8


    Aplikasyon: Tiyo likid

    Anbalaj:Bwat Carton / Palèt / Bwat Plywood

    Materyèl:Ductile Iron ASTM-A536 Klas: 65-45-12